Nuestras especialidades

Desde el Instituto Oftalmológico Amigó tenemos amplia experiencia en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de numerosas enfermedades oculares. Sea cual sea su caso recibirá un trato personalizado en función de las características de su ojo, el tipo de defecto, la edad y sus propias expectativas.



Our experience in the treatment of Age-Related Long-Sight has led us to use two different approaches: laser and non-laser techniques.

Currently at the Amigó Optical Institute (IOA), we correct presbyopia using various surgical techniques, selected according to each patient’s characteristics.

Surgery for presbyopia is aimed at improving the ability to see for close work and reading, and at middle distance, without depending on glasses or contact lenses. As it is not suitable for all patients, previous assessment by the eye surgeon is essential, to decide on the best approach.

What is presbyopia ?

Also known as age-related long-sightedness, it refers to the difficulty in seeing close at hand that appears naturally in 100 % of healthy, non-shortsighted individuals from 40-45 years of age. It is a gradual process, increasing each year until about 55, at which it normally stops.

Presbyopia will increasingly require the use of glasses for near visual activity (for example, reading a newspaper or book) and gradually at intermediate distances such as in computer use.

How do we correct it?

At the IOA, it is now possible to correct presbyopia using various surgical approaches. It is therefore important to choose the most appropriate technique according to each patient’s profile (age, prior refractive error, work and leisure activities, development of binocular vision, etc.).
Surgery for Presbyopia is a division of refractive surgery aimed at improving the ability to see something close to the eyes clearly, without dependence on glasses or contact lenses. It is not suitable for all patients, so previous assessment by the eye surgeon is a must, to make an informed decision on the most appropriate technical step forward.

Our experience in the treatment of presbyopia has led us to use two different approaches: laser and non-laser techniques.

1. Laser Blended Vision

This is a treatment for presbyopia that we have been using at the IOA since 1998, due to its good results and being well tolerated by most patients. This method contributes to a significant improvement both in near vision and at intermediate distances.

We use both eyes to see, although we rely on the dominant eye to see at a distance. However, the other, sometimes called the ‘dominated’ or ‘reading’ eye is more skilled at seeing in near vision. This natural mechanism is better developed in some patients than others. Laser Blended Vision simply emphasises this natural mechanism when it is well developed and results in good near and distance vision without difficulty, with both eyes at the same time, although one eye may focus preferentially at close range and the other sees better at a distance. In this way you can see clearly provided you look with both eyes, enabling you to use a computer or read a newspaper or book without noting a difference. When laser correction of presbyopia is not suitable for a patient, surgery on the lens of the eye is an option to be recommended.
In 2009 the Institute installed new laser equipment capable of correcting presbyopia. Called PresbyLASIK, this technique is a sophisticated advancement of Laser Blended Vision involving the selective modification of corneal asphericity (where the corneal surface is irregular). This enables the eye to focus clearly on newsprint etc. when looking close, while the focus can also readapt to see clearly when you look away. This ability for variable focussing can in practice enable patients to no longer need reading glasses.

2.- Correction of Presbyopia without Laser.

Lens treatment with multifocal lens implants: At the Amigó Institute we have performed intraocular lens implants (IOL) since 2002, in patients for whom it is suitable. This overcomes the limitations that refractive surgery may have for people over 40 years of age. The treatment is designed for patients who already need reading glasses or those who, in order to read small print, have to take off their distance glasses for short sight and are not suitable candidates for laser treatment alone.

Lente Multifocal ReSTOR de ALCON


For more information on laser treatment click here …

For more information on the treatment of presbyopia with lens implants , click here …

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