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Lifted Topography

Pentacam® is a very sophisticated eye rotating camera based on the Scheimpflugtechnology that captures images of the anterior segment of the eye (cornea, iris and lens).

This technique is of great importance in the exploration of the cornea (the eye’s anterior layer through which we look) where Pentacam provides clear and crisp images that include information ranging from characteristics of the anterior corneal surface, half face and posterior corneal surface, allowing a quick view if a cornea is healthy, if you have a predisposition to diseases or have abnormalities that impair vision and can be corrected surgically (refractive surgery for nearsightedness, farsightedness and / or astigmatism). Pentacam can likewise see abnormalities in the iris and lens being so very important in diseases such as glaucoma or cataracts.

So it is a technique that will systematically be performed in all ocular examination. The key advantages of the process of rotating images are precise measurement of the central cornea, the correction of the eye movements, the simple attachment to the patient and extremely short examination time.

The Pentacam® calculates a three-dimensional mathematical model of the anterior segment to provide the following information:

  • Anterior and posterior corneal topography and elevation maps
  • Corneal pachymetry from limbus to limbus
  • Analysis of 3D camera (map ACD, camera angle, camera volume, etc.)
  • Densidad de la lente (cuantificación de la transmitancia luminosa de la lente del cristalino y LIO)
  • Lens density (quantification of the light transmittance of the crystalline lens and IOL)
  • Tomography
  • Calculate improved IOL for patients after LASIK, PRK and RK